ISSN 2095-8870 CN 31-2107/G3

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  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(1): 1-1.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2018, 14(4): 3-3.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(3): 1-1.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(2): 1-1.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(1): 1-1.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(4): 1.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(4): 1-1.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2007, 3(2): 10-12.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2007, 3(2): 45-53.
  • WANG Bangquan
    Competitive Intelligence. 2019, 15(4): 27-36.
    Studying the growth of Cheung Kong Scholar in information science is conducive to cultivating high-end intelligence talents, serving national security and the development of science and technology, embarking on the path of information science development with Chinese characteristics. The basic situation, internal factors and external factors of the Cheung Kong Scholars in the information science were analyzed. The Cheung Kong Scholars of information science combined theories with practice, took social security and progress as their own responsibility, and consistently focused on relevant research fields, cooperated with like-minded and outstanding scholars, studied in famous universities, worshipped under famous teachers, and most of them remained on the school staff after graduation and had an interdisciplinary background.
  • REN Xiaobo
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(3): 51-56.
    As China's influence in the global science and technology governance is increasing rapidly, international development has also become an important issue for domestic technology think tanks. This paper discusses the topic of "international development of scientific and technological think tanks" in terms of why think tanks, especially technological think tanks, require internationalization; the specific form and content of think tank internationalization; and how to move toward internationalization.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2007, 3(4): 32-36.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2008, 4(2): 46-59.
  • CAO Lei
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(3): 57-63.
    Industrial big data is the product of cross integration of big data and industrial fields, and it is also the main driving force for industrial transformation and upgrading in the future. The earliest concept of industrial big data originated from the application prospect of big data in manufacturing industry revealed by McKinsey Global Institute. It has only been 10 years since its development. In recent years, many scholars and institutions have launched theoretical and applied explorations and reached a consensus on the potential value of industrial big data. This paper first introduces the origin, characteristics, definition and influence of industrial big data, then analyzes the main applications, advanced companies and deployment in developed countries of industrial big data, and finally looks forward to the future of industrial big data.
  • LIN Xiang, XIE Xiaozhuan, LIU Nan
    Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(1): 20-28.
    The core author groups in the field of security intelligence were determined through bibliometric methods and corresponding basic characteristics were analyzed based upon the open source data. All the dataset were collected under the National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China guideline. Analyzing the characteristics of the core author groups is helpful to the cooperation among scholars, construction of academic community and the long-term development of the discipline. In the field of security intelligence, a stable research strength has been formed but mainly centered in military and police academies, while a low participation of related research was observed in comprehensive universities; rational age structures were seen in the core author groups and there is still a need for qualified young scholars; strong Matthew effect exists in scholar agglomeration and experts from practical department rarely publish academic papers; the phenomenon of scholastic intercourse relationship varies significantly between different types of universities despite of the high overall academic level of core author groups; lack of cooperation among the core author groups is found but the cooperation trend has obviously strengthened in recent years. It is recommended to strengthen the diversified participation of research forces, increase the support for young scholars and female scholars, improve the talents cultivation and disciplinary system building, encourage the academic cooperation, and expand the platform for academic communication, thus promote the construction of academic community for security intelligence.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2005, 1(2): 60-60.
  • JIANG Yi, SONG Jingxian
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(3): 27-31.
     “Commercial success”, as an auxiliary consideration factor, can prove that “technical solutions have inventiveness”. In this paper, the author proposes the logic of “commercial success” about proving that “technical solutions have inventiveness” and analyzes the rationality of the logic through four cases in China's judicial practice, in order to provide the applicant with feasible ideas for argument.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(1): 63-64.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(6): 1-1.
  • FAN Xiaoting, LI Guoqiu
    Competitive Intelligence. 2016, 12(3): 37-42.
    As the first country to organize the large scale technology foresight by the government, Japan has experienced more than 30 years development of technology foresight, carried on nine times technology foresight practice. According to the characteristics of different phases, this paper divides the development process of Japan’s technology foresight into three stages: the early stage, the development stage and the mature stage. And analyze the process of each stage from different dimensions. Also in accordance with these, the paper sums up the change and innovation of different stages. Through above analysis, it concludes that the possible development trend of technology foresight in the future.
  • ZHANG Ye, SUN Guangguang, XU Hongyun, PANG Ting, QU Xiaoyang
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(1): 24-28.
    Currently, the Internet-based science information originating from foreign key websites has become an important form and an integral part of scientific intelligence. To extract, integrate and parse those web page information by using vertical crawling technology helps scientific researchers gain an overall but in-depth understanding of the up-to-date scientific achievements in various fields in real time. But it is difficult to have access to some of foreign websites as they have also increased the research and application of anti-crawling technology. With the crawling technology surpassed by anti-crawling technology, it becomes particularly difficult to obtain information on topic-specific contents in large scale. We analyze typical scientific websites based in foreign countries to give systematic introduction of crawling and anti-crawling technologies and corresponding solutions.
  • WANG Desheng
    Competitive Intelligence. 2015, 11(5): 52-59.
    In recent years, with the development of mobile lnteret, technological advances and the introduction of high performance low power processing chip, part of the smart wearable devices has been from concept to commercialization. This paper first introduces the concept and classification of smart wearable devices, the main stream product development status, and then in-depth analysis of the pattern of smart wearable device industry chain, and finally describes the key technology and future development of smart wearable devices.
  • ZHU Biheng
    Competitive Intelligence. 2015, 11(3): 11-19.
  • LI Weimeng, KONG Ziqin
    Competitive Intelligence. 2018, 14(6): 56-58.
    2018年5月17日,美国兰德公司发布报告《为国防事业定义第二代开源情报》,提出了第二代开源情报(Open Source Intelligence, OSINT)的定义,在国防事业(defense enterprise)背景下讨论了第二代开源情报如何区别于开源情报历史实践,并按每个子类型分析了开源情报的方法论和作业循环,列出了子类型在循环各环节的难度并说明了新技术进步带来的效率提升;阐述了开源情报分析用的工具和方法,讨论了美国情报共同体(Intelligence Community, IC)使用商业现有技术进行开源情报分析的挑战。在此基础上,报告给出了总结论,并讨论了与开源情报相关的新发展领域及其对开源作业可能呈现的机遇和障碍。该报告意在回答下面六个问题:①过去50多年来开源情报是如何发展的;②应如何定义第二代开源情报和情报循环;③与其他情报科目相比,开源情报有哪些特点;④开源工具都用了什么方法;⑤开源情报用商业现有技术,都有哪些挑战;⑥应当进一步研究的领域有哪些。
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(3): 1-1.
  • ZHU Yu
    Competitive Intelligence. 2018, 14(6): 59-65.
    This paper studies the development strategy in Industrial Internet of developed countries such as the United States, European Union and Japan. It also studies the major institutional alliances and standardization development trends in Industrial Internet.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2005, 1(3): 36-40.
  • YANG Jin, WANG Liang, FENG Yun
    Competitive Intelligence. 2016, 12(3): 32-36.
    Patents on Internet of Things for environmental protection are important indicators of technological innovation in this field.Using the patent searching and analyzing tool Orbit, this paper made a statistical analysis of Chinese patents on Internet of Things’ application in water treatment, so as to find out the current status and features of technical development in this field, and to provide valuable competitive intelligence for technology innovation and future development on related fields.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(4): 62-63.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2005, 1(4): 40-43.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2020, 16(2): 1-1.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2005, 1(2): 16-21.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2005, 1(1): 1-9.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2008, 4(1): 2-7.
  • Competitive Intelligence. 2007, 3(4): 43-48.
  • CHEN Chao
    Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(5): 1-1.
    构建“国家科研论文和科技信息高端交流平台”(下文简称“高端交流平台”)将成为“十四五”期间乃至更长时期内我国“强化国家战略科技力量”的重要举措之一。“高端交流平台”是国家创新体系的重要组成,是科技创新软实力的“硬指标”。立足“两个大局”,在开放科学、开放创新和深度信息化的大趋势下,在新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展的大背景下,从我国建设科技强国战略视角看,构建“高端交流平台”就是属于“国之大者”的“头等大事”。当前,构建“高端交流平台”,既要注重“源”——内容建设,又要加快“流” ——平台建设;既要坚持开放合作,又要加快自立自强。
  • XI Yunjiang, GUO Dailing, LIAO Xiao, DU Diedie, LIAO Kaiji
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(3): 36-47.
    Live-streaming platform is a new kind of empathic media. According to the characteristics of the live-streaming industry, this paper studies the user segmentation and personalized recommendation methods suitable for the live-streaming platform. Based on the importance of user stickiness and long-term value in the live-streaming platform, the average viewing time of users is integrated into the existing RFM model as an important dimension to build the RFMT model. On this foundation, we propose RFMT Cluster and RFMT Segmentation to segment users with different values. The weighted method of index is used to calculate the user-anchor value preference, and the user rating matrix is constructed based on it. Combined with the collaborative filtering algorithm, the recommendation experiment is carried out. This paper is based on the background data of a domestic mainstream live-streaming platform. The verification results show that the user segmentation method based on RFMT Segmentation is more suitable for practical application recommendations, and recommendation effect of various groups after subdivision has been greatly improved. RFMT model increases the consideration of user stickiness and long-term value, which is more suitable for the characteristics of live-streaming platform. The proposed method of user segmentation and personalized recommendation based on live-streaming platform is effective and feasible.
  • YAO Hengmei
    Competitive Intelligence. 2022, 18(2): 57-63.
    Digital therapy is becoming the focus of digital health ecosystem.On the one hand, digital therapy can make medical services more comprehensive and personalized.On the other hand, it can be affordable for more people.Digital therapy is driven by software and provides intervention measures such as prevention, management and treatment for specific diseases of patients.The United States is the most active region in the research and development of digital therapy in the world, and China has also begun to make efforts in this field in recent years. At present, Digital therapy is mainly concentrated in the field of mental diseases and central nervous system diseases.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the ReSET of pear therapeutics in September 2017,
    making it the first prescription digital therapy. At present, the head enterprises of digital therapy mainly include Pear Therapeutics, Hinge Health, Omada Health, etc. Each country regulates digital therapy and product access according to factors such as safety, effectiveness and data security. The digital therapy industry is still in its early stage and there is huge room for growth in the future.
  • WANG Weixi
    Competitive Intelligence. 2021, 17(2): 11-19.
    Aiming at the problems of lack of standardization and difficulty in sharing intelligence products, this paper studies the basic types of intelligence products, further promotes the theoretical research and practical application of intelligence products, and promotes the formulation and improvement of policies and laws of intelligence products. By using literature research, this paper combs the definition and types of intelligence products in academic literature, policies and laws, and summarizes the basic types of intelligence products in different dimensions by using the comparative analysis method, so as to provide reference for the development of intelligence product standards. This paper defines the concept of intelligence products, and points out that the basic types of intelligence products can be sorted out from three categories of form, content and application and from 10 aspects of subdivision, and analyzes them through examples.
  • Huang Juanjuan
    Competitive Intelligence. 2019, 15(1): 16-20.
     In China, the priorities of national defense intellectual property strategy involve the confirmation of the intellectual property ownership, reasonable pricing and the adjusting of the benefit relationships. In this paper, we analyze the laws and regulations related to national defense intellectual property rights, and clarify the provisions on the ownership of National Defense intellectual property. We find that the problems do exist with the existing laws and regulations; especially there are no provisions on the distribution of rights and interests. Then we put forward some concrete suggestions on improving the distribution of rights and interests. A good distribution mechanism is conducive to the innovation and the national economy.